Set in Eighteenth Century France, when his parents are slaughtered by Cardinal Richelieu's man, Febre (Tim Roth), the young D'Artagnan is raised to be a musketeer by the loyal Planchet (Jean-Pierre...
Director Richard Lester has reassembled his original cast of swashbucklers in The Return of the Musketeers, a sumptuous, action-packed adventure. Twenty years ago, DArtagnan (Michael York), Athos...
En garde! Prepare for more pulse-pounding thrills, more breathtaking action and more high-stakes heroism. The gallivanting royal bodyguards for King Louis XIII - Athos (Tom Burke, The Hour), Aramis...
Join an all-star caast in Disney's nonstop action-adventure hit. Starring Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland, Chris O'Donnell, Oliver Platt, Tim Cury and Rebecca de Mornay. (1993) Running time: 105...