Yared Zelekes remarkable feature debut tells the story of young Ephraim, a half-Jewish, Ethiopian boy who is sent by his father to live among distant relatives after his mothers death. Ephraim uses...
A Henry B. Walthall double feature. In THE RAVEN (1915) Based on the novel The Raven: The Love Story of Edgar Allen Poe. Supposedly a biography of Edgar Allen Poe. Presents some striking fantasy...
A psychopath nicknamed Buffalo Bill is murdering women across the Midwest. Believing it takes one to know one, the FBI sends Agent Clarice Starling (Foster) to interview a demented prisoner who may...
Directed By Charles Brabin. Screenplay By Charles J. Brabin. Based on the Play the Raven: The Love Story of Edgar Allan Poe By George C. Hazelton And the Play By Edgar Allen Poe. Starring: Henry B...
Glamorous socialite Baroness Troixmonde (Valeria Creti) led a second life as the notorious thief Filibus, who utilized a state-of-the art airship to pull off audacious heists from above. When famous...