The fast-paced comedy drama Las Vegas is set in one of Sin Citys largest resorts, the Montecito Casino. The show follows Ed Deline (James Caan) and his surveillance team as they handle the mob,...
One of television's slickest and most entertaining shows, Las Vegas looks at the inner workings of one of the biggest casinos in the city of sin. Star James Caan, Josh Duhamel, Nikki Cox, Molly Sims...
Life behind the scenes of "Sin City" is the focus of this fast-paced NBC drama starring James Caan as "Big Ed" Deline, an ex-CIA official who moves to Vegas and becomes head of security for the...
The Salinger's return for Season Five of this popular series. Julia (Neve Campbell, Scream) finds herself in an abusive relationship. Charlie (Matthew Fox, TV's "Lost") and Bailey (Scott Wolf, Go)...