In Laser Mission (1989), Mercenary Gold is sent from the CIA to seize the laser expert Braun in Cuba, before the KGB catches him. In The Street Fighters Last Revenge (1974), Terry Sugury is hired to...
Sweeping and visually resplendent, The Mission is a powerful action epic about a man of the sword (Robert de Niro) and a man of the cloth (Jeremy Irons) who unite to shield a South American Indian...
These rocky and beautiful islands are remote and unforgiving, yet home to giant tortoises, equatorial penguins, pink iguanas, and dandelion trees. Mission Galapagos uses a state-of-the-art research...
In their relentless battle against Hitler, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were comrades... or at least comrades-in-arms. Hollywood joined the fight with Mission to Moscow, based on Ambassador Joseph E...