The story of an intelligent, heroic collie and his young owner, previously featured in numerous films and a successful 1950s television series, was updated for the 1990s in this family feature. This...
Academy Award winner Elizabeth Taylor stars as a girl who raises a Collie named Lassie from puppy to working ranch dog. But when Lassie is hit by a car and develops amnesia, she is sent to help fight...
Charming German production transposes the Eric Knight family classic to contemporary Bavaria, where 12-year-old Florian (Nico Marischka) and his folks are forced to move into an apartment... and part...
For the sixth entry in M-G-M's popular seven-film 1943-1951 Lassie series, the beloved and courageous collie appropriated another dog's tale and made it fully her own. Screenwriter William Ludwig...