Tom Hanks, Michael Clark Duncan. The head guard at a Southern prison discovers that a death-row inmate accused of killing two young girls seems to possess a miraculous gift. Based on a novel by...
Will Parker's average 30-something Londoner life is shattered when he receives a terminal diagnosis. With little time remaining, Will abandons everything to embark on a voyage of self-discovery...
A Young Rapper in Detroit Struggles with His Anger and Social Status Through Music. Eminem, Evan Jones, Kim Basinger, and Mekhi Phifer. Never-Before-Seen Rap Battles (Unedited) with Eminem;...
MILES AHEAD is a wildly entertaining exploration of one of 20th century music's creative geniuses, Miles Davis, featuring a career defining performance by Oscar nominee Don Cheadle in the title role...
THE LAST MILE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS is one of two 2018 spectacular sets: a balance of sacred and secular songs by leading artists of the 1940s, '50s, and '60s that can be added to Jasmine's collection...