Catherine Breillat's landmark film ROMANCE placed her as an audacious boundary-pushing female auteur, establishing her as a provocateur who opened the doors to women directors taking charge of their...
In Detroit, loner Clarence marries a call girl named Alabama, steals cocaine from her pimp, and tries to sell it in Hollywood. Meanwhile, the owners of the cocaine, the mob, track them down and try...
In this groundbreaking comedy, Robert Cole (Albert Brooks, Drive) just can't stop thinking about Mary (Kathryn Harrold, Raw Deal). Even more so after they break up, which they do often. Trying to...
Small-time hood Wah Dee (Andy Lau, Infernal Affairs) is enlisted by Triad boss Trumpet (Tommy Wong, The Killer) as a getaway driver for a daring heist that goes wrong. Thinking fast Dee takes Jo Jo...
Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny DeVito. From director Robert Zemeckis comes the '80s adventure classic that was just a whole lot of fun to watch. Kathleen Turner stars as a romance novelist...