JACO tells the story of Jaco Pastorius, a self-taught, larger-than-life musician who changed the course of modern music. Never-before-seen archive unveils the story of Jaco's life, his music, his...
Robert Redford and Cate Blanchett star in TRUTH, based on a riveting true story of one of network news' biggest scandals. As a renowned producer and close associate of Dan Rather (Redford), Mary...
This DVD magazine features Dope Boi Chronicles, Blood Raw vs. U.S., Yo Gotti, Lil Wayne, Snitch Killaz, H.B. Da Great, Slick Pulla, M.O.S., and Bad Habit. This title carries a parental advisory.
To expose a bloody corporate cover-up, a former CIA agent (Andy Garcia) must rescue a desperate activist (Forest Whitaker) and his wife (Eva Longoria) who have escaped with proof of the crime.
THE MOMENT OF TRUTH, from director Francesco Rosi (SALVATORE GIULIANO) is a visceral plunge into the life of a famous torero played by real-life bullfighting legend Miguel Mateo, known as Miguelin...