One of the most powerful of the family portraits by Yasujiro Ozu (TOKYO STORY), LATE SPRING tells the story of a widowed father who feels compelled to marry off his beloved only daughter. Eminent Ozu...
The Devil Always Gets his Due! It's Halloween eve and a young couple are desperate for something fun to do. They find a weird video store just as it's about to close and beg the store owner to rent...
Blu-Ray + DVD. When a pair of film noir icons like Lizabeth Scott and Dan Duryea collide, sparks are sure to fly. Jane Palmer (Scott) and her husband Alan (Arthur Kennedy) mysteriously have $60,000...
Flicker Alley is proud to present this Blu-ray edition of the Late Mathias Pascal, a film of great distinction and virtuoso style, adapted and directed by Marcel l'Herbier from a novel by Luigi...