Laveaux,Melissa Camphor & Copper CD1. Scissors 2. My Boat 3. CH Re Trahison 4. Ulysses 5. Interlude Ha Ti 6. Koudlo 7. Dodo Titit 8. Needle in the Hay 9. Interlude Voyeur 10. Games of Unrest 11...
April 2016, Canadian singer M?lissa Laveaux heads to Haiti, her parents' homeland. 20 years have gone by since she last stepped foot there. Here she is today, still a stranger to a country that is...
Vinyl LP pressing. April 2016, Canadian singer M?lissa Laveaux heads to Haiti, her parents' homeland. 20 years have gone by since she last stepped foot there. Here she is today, still a stranger to a...
Bedard,Melissa Melissa Bedard CD1. Tu Trouveras la Paix 2. Tellement Beau 3. Un Enfant Comme Les Autres 4. Que Dieu Me Pardonne 5. Reste 6. Jour de Paix 7. Mes Blues Passent Pu Dans'porte 8. Mamy...