Blu-ray. This gripping film, part science fiction, part philosophical musing on man's place in the universe, has gained cult status. Michael Murphy (Manhattan) stars as James Lesko with Nigel...
Director Teruo Ishii (Blind Woman s Curse, Horrors of Malformed Men), the Godfather of J-sploitation, presents Yakuza Law (AKA Yakuza s Law: Lynching) a gruelling anthology of torture, spanning three...
In his sensational screen debut, Steven Segal smashes his way into the top ranks of action stars, playing a maverick Chicago cop tracking down ex-CIA operatives trafficking drigs... and plotting a...
Peter Falk (A Woman Under the Influence) and Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine) make for a hilarious dream team in this beloved American sidesplitter. Directed by Arthur Hiller (Love Story) from an...