Jesse Malcolm Sweet's haunting sci-fi web series EXODE tells the story of celestial cartographer David, who is trying to save his family from death on a malfunctioning spaceship. His only help comes...
2008 saw fledgling filmmakers RKSS release a faux trailer for NINJA ELIMINATOR. It was a love letter to the kung fu flicks of Godfrey Ho they grew up watching, loaded with over-the-top acting, gory...
1. Yellow Light 2. Cheap Rip 3. Join Us 4. Castanet 5. Carbon Copy 6. Salinas 7. F- 8. I Even Drive Like a Jerk 9. Bad Flat 10. Jersey Blessed 11. Cold Start 12. Slovakian
Limited clear colored vinyl LP pressing. Recorded over nine months in New York City with producer Patrick Dillett, 2011's Join Us is a truly remarkable album. From inspired electronic excursions to...
Vinyl LP pressing. The world of Mato Anomalies is never peaceful. But before people can fear the inharmonious notes hidden in the corners of the city, the sounds are "corrected" and merged into the...