1997 album from the Brazilian music icon, a former member of the seminal rock band Os Mutantes. EMI.1. Santa Rita Se Sampa 2. Normal Em Curitiba 3. Fruta Madura 4. O Que Voce Over 5. Jardin de Allah...
Collection of Beatles tracks interpreted by the ex-singer from Os Mutantes who's sultry voice leads to an entirel y new feeling on these classic Beatles songs.
Lee,Rita Multishow Ao Vivo CD1. Flagra 2. Sa de 3. Mutante 4. Se Manca 5. Cor de Rosa Choque/Todas As Mulheres Do Mundo 6. Baby 7. T O 8. O Bode E a Cabra 9. Vingativa 10. Ins Nia 11. Bwana 12...