Three CD set celebrating the music played at legendary late 70s and early 80s clubs such as The Wag in London, Pips in Manchester and The Rum Runner in Birmingham. In the aftermath of punk and...
Starchild & The New Romantic Language CD1. Language 2. Mood 3. Only If U Knew 4. Hands O 5. Hangin on 6. Black Diamond 7. Ophelia's Room 8. Some People I Know 9. Can I Come Over? 10. Doubts 11...
Leonard Cohen's debut album, " the Songs of Leonar d Cohen, was released on Columbia Records on Decem ber 27, 1967. Since that time, Cohen has recorded eight additional studio albums. Over the course...
Leonard T & Starfunk Leonard T & Starfunk Ultimate Colllection 2002-12 CD1. Fill Her Up 2. Another Guest DJ 3. China Girl 2012 4. Princess Disco 5. Drink Wasted Naked 6. Respect 7. The Lights...