A young boy, torn from a caring foster home and forced to endure mental and physical abuse while in the custody of his drug-addled, promiscuous mother (Asia Argento), begins to emulate the...
In his sensational screen debut, Steven Segal smashes his way into the top ranks of action stars, playing a maverick Chicago cop tracking down ex-CIA operatives trafficking drigs... and plotting a...
In the late '80s, well-married FBI rookie Mark Putnam (Jack Huston) arrived in rural Kentucky to catch a notorious bank robber, and was successful in large part because of troubled local turned...
Miles of twisting catacombs lie beneath the streets of Paris, the eternal home to countless souls. When a team of explorers ventures into the uncharted maze of bones, they uncover the secret of what...
In the tradition of "Alien" comes this sci-fi shocker that centers on a six-person crew assigned to the International Space Station. The discovery of extraterrestrial life in a Martian soil sample...