Delve deep into the life of Adolf Hitler, the Austrian-born German politician who became the dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming...
Mein Kampf contains authentic WWII, German footage of the Warsaw horrors uncovered in the secret archives of the SS Elite guard. It historically documents Hitler's inhumane policies by using still...
A poorly edited, yet intriguing documentary about Hitler and Mussolini. There are some interesting home movies of Eva Braun and her scantily-clad girlfriends swimming, too! More vivid is the...
Richard Basehart delivers an incendiary performance as history's most notorious madman in this searing expose of the private life of Adolf Hitler. A semi-factual account of the Fuehrer's rise and...
Douglas Sirk (All That Heaven Allows) makes his American directorial debut in this powerful wartime thriller starring John Carradine, Alan Curtis and Patricia Morison. Parachuting near the occupied...