From Robert Eggers, the visionary filmmaker behind the modern horror masterpiece THE WITCH, comes this hypnotic and hallucinatory tale of two lighthouse keepers (Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson) on...
Rin-Tin-Tin and his owner are rescued from the sea by the daughter of a blind lighthouse keeper. 61 minutes - Orchestra Score Included short subject: THE SNIP with George Clarke - 11 Minutes - Piano...
Elia Kazans own words begin the saga of young Stavros (Stathis Giallelis), who leaves his war-torn homeland behind to begin a new life. With his familys meager fortune and his fathers blessing,...
Segregation in the United Statesßis theßracial segregationßof facilities, services, and opportunities such as housing, medical care, education, employment, and transportation alongßracial lines...
Stalled in his company's pecking order, ad man David Howard (Albert Brooks) failed to land the Senior VP slot he wanted. He quits, convinces wife Linda (Julie Hagerty) to do the same, sells their...