Eve 6 is a tight knit trio who make their home in L.A. Produced by Don Gilmore, their new self-titled album moves between the lines of Green Day, the Who and (vocally-speaking) the Everly Brothers...
This Is The Sonics reunites original members Jerry Roslie, Larry Parypa and Rob Lind, backed by the powerhouse rhythm section of Freddie Dennis (The Kingsmen, The Liverpool Five) and Dusty Watson...
Japanese pressing of the punk-pop outfit's fourth album is pressed onto an enhanced CD & includes two exclusive bonus tracks, 'Get Back' & 'Over It'. Victor. 2004.1. Too Fast for a U-Turn 2...
2011 release from the Washington-based Garage rockers. Over the years, fans and music enthusiasts around the world have pleaded for the Sonics to reunite. Fast forward to the 21st century, when...