Voices of Mark Hamill, Susan Tyrrell, Richard Romanus. A post-apocalyptic world is occupied by elves, fairies and mutants. Master animator and director Ralph Bakshi creates a fascinating futuristic...
An incompetent genie tries to straighten our things in old Baghdad by stopping a wicked sultan who tries to take over the throne and keep the prince and princess from assuming their rightful places.
Fred Savage stars in this warm-hearted family adventure that features the excitement and thrills of video game competition. Corey (Savage) refuses to let his emotionally disturbed younger brother...
TVs first real foray into the realm of high fantasy was a truly ahead of it's time combination of awesome adventure and witty self-awareness. Prolific sitcom writer Don Reo (The John Larroquette...
Meet Darby [Junior Asparagus] who more than anything else in the world just wants to have fun. When he learns about the Wonderful Land of Ha's - an amusement park with all the fixings - and it's...