LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS is a kinetically comic tale that follows a group of Londoners who find themselves in over their collective heads after a sour card game. Luckily for them-or so...
One of the most wildly popular horror movies of all-time, Stuart Gordon's enduring splatter-comedy classic Re-Animator returns to Blu-ray in a stunning restoration packed with special features! When...
Goth superstar Aurelio Voltaire and original gangsta rapper Schoolly D star in this cult camp catastrophe, where a beautiful aristocrat (Amanda Flowers) is resurrected by mad doctor Orbert Wescraft...
It's been 5 years since the outbreak that wiped out 85% of the worlds population, but the war between Re-Animates (Re-Ans) and Humans wages on. Most of the major cities are still uninhabitable...