WALKER, a reimagining of the long-running series Walker, Texas Ranger, stars Jared Padalecki (Supernatural) as Cordell Walker, a widower and father with his own moral code. Upon returning home to...
God of Mischief Loki (Tom Hiddleston)-or, technically, a variant version of him-is promptly picked up by the temporal-monitoring Time Variance Authority when his theft of one of the Infinity Stones...
Based on the popular, cult comic book franchise of the same name, "Preacher" is a supernatural, twisted and darkly comedic drama that follows a West Texas preacher named Jesse Custer (Dominic...
Outcast teen Henrietta "Henry" Coles (Maddie Hasson) had the expected problems from a rootless existence with her free-spirited mom (Missi Pyle). However, a threatened sexual assault triggered latent...