Blu Ray. Set against the gritty urban scene-scape of Berlin and a pounding techno soundtrack, Run Lola Run is a frenetic, inventive existential thriller that explores the life-altering impact of...
One night, aging carny bumper car operator Felix (Philippe Torreton) had an unusual patron-the much younger Lola (Charlotte Gainsbourg), who rode over and over again alone. He developed a fixation...
Lola Montes is a visually ravishing, narrative daring dramatization of the life of the notorious courtesan and showgirl, played by Martine Carol. With his customary cinematographic flourish and, for...
Ray,Lola Liars CD1. Officer ; a Gentleman 2. Way We Argue 3. Quiet Voices 4. Beautiful Boy 5. Crumble 6. We're Not Having Fun 7. I Will Make You Mine 8. This House 9. Great Divide 10. Wolves 11...