The sequel to the worldwide smash hit "Olympus Has Fallen," a non-stop, suspenseful action thriller that delivers high-octane excitement through a heightened sense of authenticity. The visceral...
Former Marine, Ryan Taylor's civilian life is thrown into chaos when he is implicated in a terrorist bombing in Pittsburgh. With federal agents and a terrorist cell bearing down on him, Ryan needs to...
A terrorist mastermind kidnaps the President of the United States inside the White House, and a disgraced former Secret Service agent must save the President and take down the terrorists.
When there is an assassination attempt on U.S. President Allan Trumbull (Morgan Freeman), his trusted confidant, Secret Service Agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler), is wrongfully accused and taken...
When two of the world's most elite operatives - Danny, a retired contract killer (Jason Statham), and Hunter, his longtime mentor (Robert de Niro) - go up against the cunning leader of a secret...