An action thriller based on true life events set in Europe, specifically in the heart of Albania. A film that will surely leave movie goers on the edge of their seats. Viewers will be transported to...
Pixar Animation Studios, the creator of TOY STORY 3, whisks you away on an astonishing adventure to an ancient land full of mystery and tradition. Take a heroic journey with Merida, a skilled archer...
2008 release, another unique and classic Hard Rock masterpiece from this productive and gifted Norwegian Viking. Jorn is one of our greatest Rock Giants: his strong and diverse voice and solid...
Director Joseph Kane (King of the Pecos) and his star John Wayne (Flame of Barbary Coast) teamed up again in this western about a veteran Union officer, John Ashley (Wayne) returning home from the...
Potent and brooding film noir from Nicholas Ray, with Humphrey Bogart as short-fused screenwriter Dixon Steele, exonerated in the murder of a hat-check girl through the alibi of intrigued new...