Robert Altman's quirky, semi-satiric updating of Raymond Chandler stars Elliott Gould as laid-back gumshoe Philip Marlowe. What starts as an investigation into the murder of his friend's wife leads...
While trying to save the Healing Island from the poisonous essence of the Dark Spirits, a healer with amazing powers and a bold untested theory accidentally destroys it. Banished by the masters for...
Winner of the Jury Prize at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, Goodbye to Language is a triumphant masterpiece from Jean-Luc Godard. Using 3D technology to mind-bending effect, the film follows a couple...
When Roma welcomed his lifelong pal Toto back from a year's high school in Tokyo, he wasn't ready for his acquired big town airs-or Drop, the freewheeling new buddy he brought back with him. When the...