Joanna Cassidy, James Earl Jones. William Campbell works at fulfilling his wife's dying wish by opening a reading room in a struggling neighborhood community. Placing himself in an overwhelming...
World-renowned, horn-fueled "little big band" releases their first release in seven years and their first new studio recording in nine. Roomful of Blues have over 364,000 career scans, even though...
Cloud Room Cloud Room CD1. Hey Now Now 2. Waterfall 3. Blackout! 4. Devoured in Peace 5. Sunlight Song 6. Beautiful Mess 7. Hunger 8. O My Love 9. Blue Jean 10. Sunlight Reprise 11. We Sleep in the...
Founded in 2009 by Brad Wells, Roomful of Teeth consists of eight classically-trained vocalists. During their annual residency at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, the ensemble has...