Released in 1993, Los Rodriguez' Sin Documentos is led by the powerful voice of singer/songwriter Andres Calamaro. A blend of catchy melodies, cynical story lines and ethnic Spanish rhythms is what...
1. A los Ojos 2. Dispara 3. Engánchate Conmigo 4. Mi Enfermedad 5. La Parte de Atrás 6. 100 Pajaros Volando 7. Canal 69 8. Señorita 9. La Mujer de Un Amigo 10. La Mirada Del Adiós 11. Peor Es Nada 12...
Double vinyl LP pressing. 2018 release. San Francisco, CA-drop the needle and start navigating the heat of a backyard rumba with Los Intocables, led by Gilberto Rodriguez. This is modern Chicano soul...