In this affectionate romantic comedy set in London at Christmastime, a group of quirky characters discover the thrills and heartbreak of love-with their spouses, paramours, and new acquaintances...
On the precipice of her college graduation, Riley is frantically searching for connection. Jealous of the job offers her classmates are receiving-and desperate to regain control of something-she...
From acclaimed writer/director Jeff Nichols, Loving celebrates the real-life courage and commitment of an interracial couple, Richard and Mildred Loving (portrayed by Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga),...
This touching drama by Hungarian filmmaker Karoly Makk, while well-received upon release, has gone on to be considered a classic of world cinema and one of the finest films of the century. While...
Shinta Murakoshi just scored the best toy a guy could ever ask for: a hypnotic gun. Armed with the power to make anyone do anything at any time, he sets off to fulfill his fantasies and turn every...