Love Live! Superstar!! Season 1 contains episodes 1-12 of the anime directed by Takahiko Kyogoku and includes a special art card (while supplies last). Tokyo's brand-new Yuigaoka Girls' High School...
What do you do when a naked princess from outer space suddenly appears in your bathtub? If you're Rito Yuki, the confused teenager who's rub-a-dubbing when the perky Princess Lala of Deviluke...
After the rise of idol group ?-pronounced "Muse"-school idol popularity is reaching new heights! And the fever is reaching the small ocean town of Uchiura where Chika Takami lives. After seeing the...
It's a new school year and Kasumi, Arisa, Saya, Tae, and Rimi are thrilled to finally be second-year students. Even more exciting than becoming upperclassmen, however, is the fun they have while...