Lois Strumpet CD1. Evening in Paris 2. Diopter 3. Return 4. The Trouble with Me 5. Sugar Rush 6. Wet Eyes 7. From a Heart 8. Danger Uxb 9. Strumpet 10. Omc 11. The Way I Feel Inside
Lois Butterfly Kiss CD1. Davey 2. Narcissus 3. Press Play and Record 4. Staring at the Sun 5. Valentine 6. Stroll Always 7. Spray 8. Never Last 9. Bonds in Seconds 10. Sorora 11. Look Who's Sorry
Lois Bet The Sky CD1. Charles Atlas 2. Shy Town 3. Cover Yr. Eyes 4. Transatlantic Telephone Call 5. Wrestling An Angel 6. Flamer 7. The Western 8. Unattached 9. Steal Heat 10. February 15