Having out lived and out smoked all of his contemporaries, the fiercely independent Lucky finds himself at the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration, leading towards that which...
Adapted from a stage play by Anne Nelson, a drama centering on a slice of the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy. Nick, a fire captain, who lost eight men in the collapse of the World Trade Center,...
John Travolta and Lisa Kudrow make a high-energy comedy team in this side-splittingly funny comedy inspired by a real-life scam to win the Pennsylvania lottery. Travolta is truly irresistible as Russ...
In the vein of THE STING, this action/comedy Prohibition-era caper film stars Gene Hackman and Burt Reynolds as a couple of bootleggers who hook up with a vampy cabaret singer (Liza Minnelli) for a...