Out-of-work actor Eddy Pine stumbles upon the key to the universe and is drawn into an intergalactic conflict between killer clowns and sneaky green aliens-the fate of the planet hangs on the outcome...
A young country boy is plunged into the depths of homicidal madness after witnessing the strange exploites of a carnival "geek," a caged drunk so desperate for whiskey that he bites the heads off of...
*Important note: This is an All-Region pressing, but it may not play on certain Sony (including Playstation) or Panasonic players if they are unable to convert an1080/50hz image to 1080/60hz. Please...
Back on duty at London's Serious and Serial Crime Unit after a punishing internal investigation, slick, maverick cop John Luther (Idris Elba) puts his considerable skills of intuition to use solving...
Academy Award Nominee Paul Winfield (SOUNDER) embodies fallen civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and Academy Award Nominee Cicely Tyson (THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MISS JANE PITTMAN) lends her...