Tyler Perry revives his signature character, the tough and vindictive Madea Simmons, for her final film performance in this comedy to die for! Madea and her family head out to a family reunion, but...
Madea is at it again in Tyler Perry's most outrageously funny stage play ever. In trouble with the local authorities, Mabel Simmons, notoriously known as Madea, is on the run from the law. With no...
While planning her family reunion, a pistol-packing grandma (Perry) must contend with the other dramas on her plate, including the runaway who has been placed under her care, and her love-troubled...
In "Tyler Perry's Boo! A Madea Halloween," Madea winds up in the middle of mayhem when she spends a hilarious, haunted Halloween fending off killers, paranormal poltergeists, ghosts, ghouls and...