Based on a loose unscripted narrative, in the spirit of the experimental mood of the time, and directed by The Beatles themselves, the film became the vehicle to present six new songs - "Magical...
A little girl is slain by a vampire in a tiny 19th century Austrian village. Seeking revenge, the townspeople invade the foreboding castle of Count Materhaus and kill him for the crime. As the Count...
A sadistic group of clowns kidnap an unsuspecting man, Don, forcing him to play a deadly game in order to save his family. Don finds himself at the center of the clowns mayhem and struggles to follow...
In the last film he made during the silent era, Charlie Chaplin revels in the art of the circus, paying tribute to the acrobats and pantomimists who inspired his virtuoso pratfalls. After being...
A disgraced showman, Balthazar Kane, invites a group of social media stars to his demented CIRCUS KANE promising $250,000 to anyone who can make it through the night. The contestants quickly realize...