Originally released in 1976, the self titled album by the 9 piece soul/funk outfit Main Street was recorded in Albuquerque, New Mexico and produced by John Wagner; a producer known for his forays...
Alto saxophonist Jim Snidero brings the sum total of his experiences to the fore on Main Street, including those as a leader as well as a sideman with Frank Wess, the Mingus Big Band, Jack McDuff,...
Limited expanded two CD edition features a bonus CD that contains 10 tracks originally recorded during the Exile era including 'Plundered My Soul', 'Dancing in the Light', 'Following the River' and...
Bell,Carey Goin On Main Street CD1. Goin' on Main Street 2. I Am Worried 3. Heartaches and Pain 4. Easy to Love You 5. Train Ticket 6. When a Woman Get in Trouble 7. Tribute to Big Walter 8. I Need...