A Classic film directed by the great Otto Preminger, Frankie Machine (Frank Sinatra) is released from prison with a set of drums and a new outlook on life. A former drug addict, Frankie returns home...
After his life is threatened, Roger Moore as 007 is lured into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse with a million-dollar killer (Christopher Lee). Britt Ekland and Maud Adams co-star.
The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace by Welsh composer Sir Karl Jenkins is the most performed work by any living composer. This performance is the largest ever staged and was uniquely performed in...
Man With The Golden Arm / O.S.T. Man With The Golden Arm / O.S.T. CD1. Clark Street: The Hop - Homecoming - Antek's 2. Zosh 3. Frankie Machine 4. The Fix 5. Molly 6. Breakup: Fight - Louie's -...
Collegiate track star Mike Bolton (Phillips Holmes) has a secret - his father is a convicted killer! Eighteen years ago, Mike's father John (Grant Mitchell) killed his brother's murderer and went to...