Boasting a reputation still as one of the foremost pianists in all of American jazz, Junior Mance remains a master of multiple styles within the blues and jazz idioms. Despite his skills as a sideman...
Japanese only SHM-CD (Super High Material CD - playable on all CD players) pressing. Universal. 2008.1. Smooth One 2. Miss Jackie's Delight 3. Whisper Not 4. Love for Sale 5. Lilacs in the Rain 6...
Solo piano 1986 & 1988.1. Yancey Special 2. Careless Love 3. If You Could See Me Now 4. I Wish I Knew (How It Would Feel to Be Free) 5. Since I Lost My Baby I Almost Lost My Mind 6. I Got It Bad...
Junior Mance (piano); Martin Rivera (bass); Walter Bolden (drums). Recorded June, 1980 includes 3 bonus track alternate takes.1. 9:20 Special 2. Georgia on My Mind 3. Small Fry 4. In the Evening 5. I...
Pianist Junior Mance, bassist Don Thompson & drummer Archie Alleyne recorded live in 1997 at the Montreal Bistro & Jazz Club in Toronto, Canada - the set features improvised interpretations...