In this intriguing documentary, we examine the life and career of Britain's first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. After 1990, Lady Thatcher (as she became known) remained a potent political...
The most celebrated actress of our time stars as the most powerful woman of her time. Oscar winning Meryl Streep, the most nominated performer in Academy Award history, delivers the definitive...
From Academy Award Nominee writer/director Kenneth Lonergan comes a stirring drama Rolling Stone calls a film of rare beauty and shocking gravity. Anna Paquin, Matt Damon and Mark Ruffalo lead a...
An acclaimed wartime drama that is both tender and urgent. A sensitive film that never falls prey to sentiment thanks to the skill of director Maj. W.S. Van Dyke II and the power of a fact-based...
Mackenzie Astin, Kevin Spacey. The true-life tale of an adventurous young man who embarks on a risky cross-country tour with his beloved team of sled dogs. 1993/color/109 min/PG/widescreen.