Maria the Virgin Witch - Complete Series - In the time of the Hundred Years' War, a young witch known as Maria uses her magic to halt the constant fighting. Though she seeks only peace, the archangel...
Izetta: The Last Witch - The Complete Series - It's 1940 and the world is in the throes of war. Germania has threatened to invade a small neighboring country, putting their princess in danger. But in...
Without memories, Saybil has felt hollow at the Magic Academy. But everything changes when he and two classmates are given a mission with a strange professor. Now in a land where witches were once...
Hayata, the Beta Capsule! It's the original 1966-67 "Ultraman" series, the UHF favorite in which ace pilot Hayata uses his Beta Capsule to become the giant alien superhero Ultraman, so that he and...
Discovery of Witches, A: Complete Trilogy - Adapted from Deborah Harkness' best-selling trilogy of novels, A DISCOVER OF WITCHES is a bold and romantic thriller that uncovers a secret underworld of...