Krister Henriksson. The Swedes take on their beloved detective Kurt Wallander from the novels by Henning Mankell. The weathered detective fights crime alongside his quarrelsome daughter. Episodes...
Luca Zingaretti, Katharina Bohm, Cesare Bocci. Based on the international best-selling mystery novels by Andrea Camilleri, Detective Salvo Montalbano uses his personal intuition as a valuable tool to...
Detective Salvo Montalbano hasn't always been the seasoned and mature chief detective heading up the Vigata Police Department. He hasn't always lived in that glorious house by the sea, or been...
Chief Leonard is a multimillionaire who has a daughter Mercy. She has two friends Angela and Irene, they schooled together and work together. Angelas mother lived a careless and reckless life at her...
In 1976, Buffalo Bob Smith, Howdy Doody, Clarabell the Clown and the rest of the Doodyville crew reunited for an all-new, syndicated revival of the beloved '50s kid's show that featured laughs, songs...