Embarking on a series of recordings of classical originals for symphonic wind band is an adventurous quest. On their second volume, the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy and Major Arjan Tien...
In American music of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, cultures and styles seem to encounter one another and intermingle, stretching from Charles Ives through Aaron Copland to John Adams...
In 1968, a spectacular LP was released with the apt title When the Swing Comes Marching In. Now, after many requests, we are proud to offer this unique new recording, full of fresh swinging...
The March King John Philip Sousa compositions are known worldwide having been incorporated into the larger zeitgeist of sporting events, special occasions and military ceremonies. The Marine Band of...
Copland / Rimsky-Korsakov / Us Navy Band Kiss My Brass CD1. Fanfare for the Common Man 2. Concert Moods 3. Variations Sur Le Carnaval de Venise (The Carnival of Venice) 4. Csardas (Arr. J.K. Diamond)...