The story of three sisters paralyzed by family secrets. In the midst of struggling to overcome her self-destructive behaviour, the youngest sister, Agnes, returns home determined to confront the past...
In Jean Renoir's La Marseillaise one of the greatest French directors tells the epic story of the French Revolution with scope and intimacy. Disregarded in it's time, it is only now emerging as a...
While movie fans were abuzz over who might play Scarlett OHara in the upcoming Gone with the Wind, Bette Davis got another Southern-belle role - and gave a fiery performance that won the 1938 Best...
A rich, young debutante (Joan Bennett) leaves her intended at the altar and secures a job as a model. Wouldn't you know it-she then has the misfortune of falling for a handsome clothing designer...
Army deserter Jean (Jean Gabin) fled to the seedy docks of Le Havre in search of a new life, and found love at first sight with young runaway Nelly (Mich?le Morgan). The budding relationship,...