Three-disc set includes: Daimajin (1966)The first entry of the Japanese horror series that blended monsters and costume drama shows how a giant stone warrior comes to life at the behest of the son...
A young man (Jun Hamamura) journeyed to the remote family estate of his bride-to-be (Yukiko Kobayashi)... and wasn't heard from again. The investigation by his concerned sister (Kayo Matsuo) uncovers...
Three-disc set includes: It's Alive (1974) Look out! A fanged mutant baby is on the loose! He's killed all the doctors in the delivery room! He got to the milkman too (but first raided his truck!). A...
Grindsploitation: The Movie is the latest filmmaking collection from Troma Entertainment, featuring horror and exploitation cinema inspired film reel of back to back faux movie trailers, short films...