Marshall / Bentinck / Philpott Our Island Story CD

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H.E. Marshall's classic children's chronicle of Britain Our Island Story includes all the best-loved (and most infamous!) stories from history: King Alfred and the cakes; King John and the Magna Carta; Lord Nelson and the Battle of Trafalgar; Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada; and many others. This box set contains the complete and unabridged text, released previously in separate volumes. It is read with aplomb by Anna Bentinck and Daniel Philpott.

1. Chapter I: The Stories of Albion and Brutus 2. Chapter II: The Coming of the Romans 3. Chapter III: The Romans Come Again 4. Chapter IV: How Caligula Conquered Britain 5. Chapter V: The Story of a Warrior Queen (Boadicea) 6. Chapter VI: The Last of the Romans 7. Chapter VII: The Story of St. Alban 8. Chapter VIII: Vortigern and King Constans 9. Chapter IX: The Story of the Coming of Hengist and Horsa 10. Chapter X: Hengists Treachery 11. Chapter XI: How the Giants Dance Was Brought to Britain 12. Chapter XII: The Coming of Arthur 13. Chapter XIII: The Founding of the Round Table 14. Chapter XIV: The Story of Gregory and the Pretty Children 15. Chapter XV: How King Alfred Learned to Read 16. Chapter XVI: King Alfred in the Cowherds Cottage 17. Chapter XVII: More About Alfred the Great 18. Chapter XVIII: Ethelred the Unready 19. Chapter XIX: How Edmund Ironside Fought for the Crown 20. Chapter XX: Canute and the Waves 21. Chapter XXI: Edward the Confessor 22. Chapter XXII: Harold 23. Chapter XXIII: The Battle of Stamford Bridge 24. Chapter XXIV: The Battle of Hastings 25. Chapter XXV: William the Conqueror ? Hereward the Wake 26. Chapter XXVI: William the Conqueror ? Death of the King 27. Chapter XXVII: The Story of William the Red 28. Chapter XXVIII: Henry I ? the Story of the White Ship 29. Chapter XXIX: The Story of King Stephen 30. Chapter XXX: Henry Plantagenet ? Gilbert and Rohesia 31. Chapter XXXI: Henry Plantagenet ? the Conquest of Ireland 32. Chapter XXXII: Henry Plantagenet ? Thomas ? Becket 33. Chapter XXXIII: The Story of Richard Coeur de Lion 34. Chapter XXXIV: The Story of How Blondel Found the King 35. Chapter XXXV: John Lackland ? the Story of Prince Arthur 36. Chapter XXXVI: John Lackland ? the Story of the Great Charter 37. Chapter XXXVII: Henry III of Winchester ? Hubert de Burgh 38. Chapter XXXVIII: Henry III of Winchester ? Simon de Montfort 39. Chapter XXXIX: Henry III ? the Story of the Poisoned Dagger 40. Chapter XL: Edward I ? the Little War of Chalons 41. Chapter XLI: Edward I ? the Lawgiver 42. Chapter XLII: Edward I ? the Hammer of the Scots 43. Chapter XLIII: The Story of King Robert the Bruce and Bohun 44. Chapter XLIV: Story of the Battle of Bannockburn 45. Chapter XLV: Edward III of Windsor ? the Battle of Sluys 46. Chapter XLVI: Edward III of Windsor ? the Battle of Cr?Cy 47. Chapter XLVII: Edward III of Windsor ? the Siege of Calais 48. Chapter XLVIII: Edward III of Windsor ? the Battle of Poitiers 49. Chapter XLIX: Richard II of Bordeaux ? Wat Tylers Rebellion 50. Chapter L: How King Richard Lost His Throne 51. Chapter LI: Henry IV of Bolingbroke ? Battle of Shrewsbury 52. Chapter LII: The Story of How Prince Hal Was Sent to Prison 53. Chapter LIII: Henry V of Monmouth ? the Battle of Agincourt 54. Chapter LIV: Henry VI of Windsor ? the Maid of Orleans 55. Chapter LV: Henry VI of Windsor ? Red Rose and White 56. Chapter LVI: Edward IV ? Queen Margaret and the Robbers 57. Chapter LVII: Edward IV ? the Story of the Kingmaker 58. Chapter LVIII: Edward V ? the King Who Was Never Crowned 59. Chapter LIX: Richard III ? Two Little Princes in the Tower 60. Chapter LX: Henry VII ? Story of the Make-Believe Prince 61. Chapter LXI: Henry VII ? Another Make-Believe Prince 62. Chapter LXII: Henry VIII ? the Field of the Cloth of Gold 63. Chapter LXIII: How the King Became the Defender of the Faith 64. Chapter LXIV: Henry VIII ? the Story of the Kings Six Wives 65. Chapter LXV: Edward VI ? the Story of a Boy King 66. Chapter LXVI: The Story of Lady Jane Grey 67. Chapter LXVII: How the Princess Elizabeth Became a Prisoner 68. Chapter LXVIII: Mary I ? How a Candle Was Lit in England 69. Chapter LXIX: How the Imprisoned Princess Became a Queen 70. Chapter LXX: Elizabeth ? the Story of a Most Unhappy Queen 71. Chapter LXXI: How England Was Saved from the Spaniards 72. Chapter LXXII: Elizabeth I ? the Story of Sir Walter Raleigh 73. Chapter LXXIII: Elizabeth I ? the Story of the Queens Favourite 74. Chapter LXXIV: The Story of Guy Fawkes 75. Chapter LXXV: The Story of the Mayflower 76. Chapter LXXVI: How a Woman Struck a Blow for Freedom 77. Chapter LXXVII: How the King and the Parliament Quarrelled 78. Chapter LXXVIII: The Story of How the King Was Brought to His Death 79. Chapter LXXIX: The Commonwealth ? the Adventures of a Prince 80. Chapter LXXX: The Commonwealth ? the Lord Protector 81. Chapter LXXXI: How Death Walked in the Streets of London 82. Chapter LXXXII: Charles II ? the Story of How London Was Burned 83. Chapter LXXXIII: The Fiery Cross 84. Chapter LXXXIV: The Story of King Monmouth 85. Chapter LXXXV: The Story of the Seven Bishops 86. Chapter LXXXVI: William the Deliverer 87. Chapter LXXXVII: William III and Mary II ? Brave Londonderry 88. Chapter LXXXVIII: The Story of a Sad Day in a Highland Glen 89. Chapter LXXXIX: Anne ? How the Union Jack Was Made 90. Chapter XC: The Story of the Earl of Mars Hunting Party 91. Chapter XCI: George II ? the Story of Bonnie Prince Charlie 92. Chapter XCII: George II ? the Story of Flora MacDonald 93. Chapter XCIII: The Story of the Black Hole of Calcutta 94. Chapter XCIV: George II ? the Story of How Canada Was Won 95. Chapter XCV: George III ? the Story of How America Was Lost 96. Chapter XCVI: George III ? a Story of a Spinning Wheel 97. Chapter XCVII: England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty 98. Chapter XCVIII: George III ? the Battle of Waterloo 99. Chapter XCIX: George IV ? the First Gentleman in Europe 100. Chapter C: William IV ? Two Peaceful Victories 101. Chapter CI: Victoria ? the Girl Queen 102. Chapter CII: Victoria ? When Bread Was Dear 103. Chapter CIII: Victoria ? Peace 104. Chapter CIV: Victoria ? War 105. Chapter CV: Victoria ? the Land of Snow 106. Chapter CVI: Victoria ? the Siege of Delhi 107. Chapter CVII: Victoria ? the Pipes at Lucknow 108. Chapter CVIII: Victoria ? Under the Southern Cross 109. Chapter CIX: Victoria ? from Cannibal to Christian 110. Chapter CX: Victoria ? Boer and Briton

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