When they needed a head for Glascow's new Maritime Homicide Unit, they turned to Norwegian transplant and single mom DI Annika Strandhed (Nicola Walker). Her dealings with her truculent teenage...
Spun off from "The Missing," this mystery series offered Tch?ky Karyo reprising his role as canny French police investigator Julien Baptiste. Retired to Amsterdam with his family and striving to...
Driving home after an Edinburgh wedding, slightly soused and, as per usual, arguing, mismatched sibs Max and Jake McCall (Mark Bonnar, Jamie Sives) struck and killed an aged pedestrian. After a...
Nicola Walker (Last Tango in Halifax) and Sanjeev Bhaskar (The Indian Doctor) lead a powerful ensemble cast in this highly-acclaimed, thrilling crime drama. DCI Cassie Stuart and her partner, DI...