Sinatra and Friends is a television special that aired on April 21, 1977. In this scintillating show, the inimitable Frank Sinatra swings through the hits and lesser-known gems with superstar friends...
Mark Ronson wrote the theme tune for the cartoon series "Thundercats" when he was 8 years old. Since then he's produced albums for superstars like Amy Winehouse and Adele. His unwavering work ethic...
A Man and His Music + Ella + Jobim is a 1967 television special starring Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Antonio Carlos Jobim, accompanied by Nelson Riddle and his orchestra. A truly memorable...
Let 76 trombones lead the big parade from the Great White Way into your home. It's the Music Man, the screen version of one of Broadway's all-time blockbusters, a skyburst of Americana as...
He was the most beloved Hawaiian musician of his time and came to represent aloha the way Duke Kahanamoku had in the first half of the 20th century. When he died, all of Hawaii wept, and his legend...