The most unique '50s TV western lead may well have been gun-shy cardsharp Bret Maverick (James Garner), anti-hero of this beloved 1957-62 ABC program. Often joined by brother Bart (Jack Kelly, who...
After more than thirty years of service as a top naval aviator, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot. Yet, Maverick must confront...
The legend of the West is back as Jack Kelly returns for the fifth and final season of Maverick. Alternating with reruns featuring James Garner as brother Bret, Season Fives original episodes follow...
Meet Ben Maverick (Charles Frank), the crown prince of cardsharps. Son of Beau (played by Roger Moore on the original series), Ben may be Harvard educated, but he's still cut from the same cloth as...