From Horton Foote, Oscar-winning screenwriter of to Kill a Mockingbird and Tender Mercies, comes Main Street, a moving ensemble drama centered around the lives of the residents of a small Southern...
In the nineties, Andri Gregory mounted a series of spare, private performances of Anton Chekhov's UNCLE VANYA in a crumbling Manhattan playhouse. These treasures of pure theater would have been lost...
Based on the massively popular video game franchise, this adrenaline-pumping adventure stars martial arts superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme (Double Impact, Kickboxer) as Colonel Guile, who leads an...
From director Brad Anderson (SESSION 9, TRANSSIBERIAN, THE MACHINIST) comes VANISHING ON 7TH STREET, a terrifying, apocalyptic thriller that taps into one of humankind's most primal anxieties: fear...
Samuel Fuller's classic crime thriller stars Richard Widmark as New York City pickpocket Skip McCoy, who discovers his latest mark-the beautiful Candy (Jean Peters)-was carrying an unexpected bonus...