Norma Christine Waterson is an English musician, best known as one of the original members of The Watersons, a celebrated English traditional group. Her eponymously titled solo debut Norma Waterson...
Norma Jean is an American metalcore act, originally from Atlanta, GA and currently based in Fort Smith, AK. After nearly 20 years, the group identifies more as an artistic collective than a...
Murphy,Norma O'Hara Norma'S Best CD1. Mehi River Blues 2. Who's Takin' You Home 3. Cane Train 4. Warwick God Cup 5. The Old Brigade 6. The Outlaw and the Lady 7. The Old School Bus 8. I'd Say I Love...
This is the sophomore studio album from longtime Grand Ole Opry stalwart and beloved country singer Norma Jean. Released in 1965, it was the second in a run of wildly popular, influential releases of...