This season, Red John strikes into the heart of the CBI. Ever since the serial killer murdered Patrick Janes family, the California Bureau of Investigation consultant and former faux-psychic has...
Patrick Jane returns for Season Five of THE Mentalist. Starring Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Simon Baker as the California Bureau of Investigation consultant and former faux-psychic obsessed with...
California Bureau of Investigation consultant Patrick Jane (Simon Baker in his Emmy-nominated role) has a blatant lack of protocol but is self-assured and driven. The former "psychic" uses his talent...
Armed with a list of seven suspects confirmed by the killer himself, Patrick Jane and the CBI team are closing in on the elusive serial killer while continuing to solve California's most puzzling...
Red John is dead. Or is he? Following on last seasons explosive finale, Patrick Jane returns for Season Four of THE Mentalist. Starring Emmy and Golden Globe nominee Simon Baker as the California...